Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Usafi wa majumbani kwetu.....

Tumekua tukiongelea sana kuhusu kupamba nyumba zetu, na kuzipendezesha......sasa vipi kuhusu usafi? Je usafi wa nyumba yako uanzingatia? Kuanzia usafi wa vitendea kazi, sabuni uzitumiazo. zinakusaidia ama kukurahisishia? kwa wale wenye carpets, tiles, sofa za leather, sofa za vitambaa, etc......Unafanyaje usafi?

Majibu ya maswali haya utayapata humu humu....endelea kua nazi......

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bafu lako ni dogo sio....

Je ungependa chumba chako kiwe na mandhali hoteli za kimataifa?

Kuna msemo usemao kupanga ni kuchagua........Sasa je, ungependa chumba chako kiwe na mandhali ya hoteli ya kimataifa?

Unachotakiwa kufanya ni.
 kwanza, chumba chako kipigwe rangi vizuri, na kiwe kisafi juu mpaka chini. Rangi waweza piga kama ni nyeupe ama rangi zilizopoa...

Pili, kama chumba chako hakina tiles. basi weka carpet chumba kizima, na kama kina tiles basi weka carpet ndogo, 

Tatu, weka pazia nzuri pamoja na curtain poles, ama curtain box... na hakikisha pazia zako zimeacha inch 2 ama 3 toka ardhini......nikiwa na maana zisiburuze.

Nne, kitanda ulichonacho ama kama ungependa kubadilisa, hamna neno,  hakikisha tuu gororo lako ni zuri nani kubwa nikiwa na maana lina inch 8 upana...maana hii husaidia kua na muonekano mzuri haijalishi ni kitanda cha mbao ama cha chuma, vyote hupendezaaa...bila kusahau kuweka picha juu ya kitanda upande unaolaza kichwa

Tano, Tukija kwenye mashuka, sasa hapa shuka zinazohitajika ni zile zenye duvet, nikisema duvet ninamaanisha ni ile mfano wa godoro lakini lenyewe ni laini sana, maana wanaweka fibre ndani.....hapa kwetu yako madukani, kama Home shopping center, Mr. price etc...

Sita, ukija kwenye utandikaji sasa, unatakiwa uwe na shuka la kutandika, shuka la kujifunikia, halafu duvet ambalo ndio limevalishwa cover ya shuka la mwisho.....

Saba, tunakuja kupande wa mito, mito waweza kuanzia mito 4,5,6 ni wewe tuu unapenda kua na mito mingapi kitandani kwako, na kumbuku hii inakua ni set nzima......

Nane, kuna kitambaa kinaitwa scarting, hiki ni kitambaa ndio kinaanza kabla ya godoro ili kuficha kinakaa katika vitanda design yoyote ile..

Tisa, throw ama bed runner, hua ni kitambaa cha urembo ambacho hutandikwa kwa upande wa miguuni kwa upana....

Kumi, unahitajika kua na stools za pembeni mwa kitanda, sasa hizi zinaweza kua ni 2 ama moja maana inategemea na ukubwa wa chumba chako....juu ya hizo stools unahitajika kuweka taa, taa hizi ni ndogo na ni za urembo pia na husaidia pia kwa wale wanapenda kusoma, ama ambao hawapendi mwanga mwingi.....

Mwisho, ndio unakuja kwa upande wa dressing table, na kabati la nguo........

Hakikisha usijaze vitu sana chumbani, na ndio maana wengi wetu tukienda kwenye hotels tuna relax, hii ni kwa sababu wenzetu wana kua na mpangilio mzuri sana, na wanazingatia usafi kila siku iendayo kwa mungu.....


 Pazia hii ametumia ngozi ya mnyama kuweka urembo kama imependeza.......kuiangalia pia kitandani kaweka ngozi ya mnyama kama bed throw......inapendeza kwa kweli....
Hapa sasa, badala ya kutumia shower curtain, pazia ndio imetumika......hapa usafi zaidi unahitajika.....maana shower curtain ni plastic, sasa hiki kitambaa cha pazia.......

Napenda kijani hii

Rangi hii ya kijani ni nzuri sana, na hufanya mahali ulipoipaka pawe pakubwa na kuvutia.... Kijani hii ni nzuri sana kwa sehemu zifuatazo, sebuleni, jikoni, kwenye korrido na hata kwenye sehemu za biashara....

Kumbuka waweza kuipaka ukuta mmoja, ama kuta zote, ama kuta mbili.......

Kwa vyumbani rangi hii sishauri sana kwani inawaka sana, na vyumbani hutakiwa rangi kama unataka kupaka rangi kijani, basi tafuta iliyopoa zaidi.... hii inawaka sana.....

Monday, October 29, 2012

Umejiandaaje kumaliza mwaka kwa upande wa nyumba yako?

Mwaka ndio huu unakaribia kuisha, na wengi wetu tunajitahidi kumalizia nyumba zetu, ili tuweze kuingia na kusherehekea tukiwa kwenye nyumba zetu....

Lakini pia kwa wale ambao bado, basi hata nanyi hamtakua nyuma kwa hili.(nikiwa na maana sio lazima uwe umejenga, hata kwenye nyumba ya kupanga unayookaa unaweza ukaipendezesha na ukasherehekea sikukuu vizuri tuu na familia)

Homez Deco inawakaribisha wote, kwa mahitaji yafuatayo:

1. Pazia
2.  Ushauri
3.Mpangilio wa fanicha
4.Rangi za ukuta, na ukizingatia tuko na rangi za Dulux za Sadolin
5. Thamani za chuma
6. Mapambo ya nyumba....

Muda ni mchache, tuwasiliane kwa maelezo zaidi.......0713-920565

Vitanda vya chuma...... karibu utoe oda.....vitanda ni bila godoro.. na usafiri ni juu ya mteja.....karibuni. (size zote zinapatikana kuanzia 3,4,5,6,& 7 by 6)

 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 395,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 395,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 350,000/-
 Size 5 by 6 380,000/-
Size 5 by 6 380,000/-

Uzuri wa sebule......

Angalia picha hizi na uone uzuri uko wapi wa hizi sebule. Je ni lazima uwe na fanicha za gharama ndio sebule iwe nzuri, ama ni mpaka vitu vijazane ndio sebule iwe nzuri. ama ni nini haswa hufanya sebule kua nzuri.....

Kwa muono wako wewe unaonaje?

Ukiniuliza mimi jibu ni kwamba, haijalishi eti mpaka uwe na fanicha za gharama, ama ujaze sebule. n.k. hapana. Sebule yako hiyo hiyo uliyo nayo, ukiibadilisha kwa kupunguza fanicha zilizojana ili uweze kupata nafasi, ama kuongeza vitu kidogo kwa sebule iliyo pwaya , ama kwa kubadilisha zulia lako kama limechakaa, badilisha kitambaa cha sofa pia kama kimechakaa (kama bado unalipenda sofa lako), bila kusahau rangi za ukuta pia, paka rangi kulingana na ukubwa wa sebule yako na fanicha zilizomo kumbuka rangi zenye giza hufanya chumba kuonekana kidogo, na zenye mwanga hufanya chumba kuonekana kikubwa......

Weka picha za ukutani, hapa haijalishi kama ni za familia ama urembo... ila tuu ziwe kwenye mpangilio mzuri na uwiano mzuri unaoendana....

Usafi wa mara kwa mara pia huhitajika.....

Bila kusahau upande wa pazia, mapambo kama mito, maua, taa, etc...

Hapa sasa utakua umepata muonekano mzuri  wa sebule yako........

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Interior Lighting Fundamentals of the Pros

Interior Lighting Fundamentals of the Pros!!

natural, ambient, task and accent lighting
Your home Interior Lighting Plan affects the attitude and mood that your rooms project.
Lighting can make a space feel playful, welcoming, romantic or cold.
It can draw out and showcase other design elements like color, furnishings, art, architectural features and varied material surfaces and textures...It can also overpower and "wash-out" those design choices so that they virtually disappear.
The home interior lighting fundamentals on this page will take you a long way. With a little study and planning, you can come up with a terrific lighting scheme to match and compliment your overall Interior Design plan.

Natural Light

kitchen bathed in natural light
Home Interior Lighting includes both artificial and natural light.
Most of us love natural light and go out of our way to bring as much as possible into our homes.
Don't forget to consider sources of natural light when working on your home's Interior Design plan.
Kitchens and Baths are both areas where natural home interior lighting can lift spirits.
I'll discuss natural light in greater detail when we talk about window treatments...Keep in mind though, that thinking about your main sources of natural light is a great place to start your home interior lighting plan.
If you're planning a major Interior Design face-lift and natural light brings you joy, look to where your can add new sources.
Installing French doors, skylights, glass block, larger windows and new door units with sidelights (side windows) are all ways to bring more natural light into your home.
An important tip when purchasing new windows or skylights is to make sure they have low E glass. Low E stands for low emissivity and refers to an invisible metallic coating that gives glass insulating properties and really protects against fading.

A Lighting Plan

When laying out a plan for lighting fixtures, you'll be considering the three main types of artificial light...They are categorized by their functions.
Ambient lighting is overall, general illuminations that lights an otherwise dark space.
Ambient lighting can come from flood style lights in recessed ceiling fixtures or surface mounted track lighting.
Lamps that provide lighting for smaller room zones like conversation areas and reading nooks near bookshelves are also sources of ambient light as their light combines with and contributes to a room's overall general lighting. Upward illumination from wall sconces is a popular trend in ambient lighting.
To start your home interior lighting plan get out your tape measure, ruler and graph paper and draw your room's footprint
Start by drawing with circles the main sources of your room's Ambient light.
Indicate where your existing electrical outlets and switches are. It's a nice option to have Ambient lighting on dimmer switches so that the lighting can be softened or brightened to set different moods.
Use one color pencil or pen to indicate existing fixtures, outlets and switches and another color to indicate where you want to add more.
Three way switches regulate the same fixture from different locations such as the different entrance ways into a room.
I always start with Ambient lighting when working up a new home interior lighting plan.
Task lighting, as its name implies, refers to light sources directed on areas--a bathroom vanity, a kitchen counter, a reading chair--where greater light is needed to perform a specific task.
Reading lamps, under-cabinet lights, hanging pendant lights and spot lights in recessed ceiling fixtures are all examples of Task lighting.
ambient and task lighting
The kitchen lighting at the left is a typical example of the mix of Ambient and Task lighting needed for this busy family hub.
Lights mounted under the upper cabinets, pendant lights hanging over the kitchen island and spot lights in recessed fixtures that are directed at the sink and other work areas are all Task lights.
Ambient light comes from other recessed fixtures fitted with flood lights and also from the combination of illumination the Task lights contribute.
Kitchens, you may have guessed, need the most illumination...And, it pays to reflect on your work habits in this and other rooms as you work out your lighting design.
Accent lighting will be the third source of illumination you include in your plan.
Accent lights can be spot lighting that illuminates a painting, an architectural feature or a wall of books...Wall washer lights are flood lights directed on walls to highlight interesting texture, multiple art pieces, or simply an accent color.
In the picture at the top of this page, ambient lighting comes from recessed ceiling fixtures...Other ceiling fixtures, fitted with directional spot lamps, provideTask lighting on the piano and the entertainment center, while accent lightsdraw attention to objects of interest on the mantle.
accent lighting on art
In the formally furnished Sitting Room above, we see Accent lighting directed on the art above the fireplace and the mirror image vases...A variation of Task lighting illuminates the passages into other rooms and areas of the home.
Candles and the light from a fire in a fireplace create a special kind of Accent lighting...Sometimes called kinetic lighting, because of the movement of flame, these sources always provide warm, fascinating and original plays of light off painted and reflective surfaces.
Lamps and Light Fixtures serve dual design functions being both a source of light and also an object of visual interest.
They can and should be art objects in themselves, contributing to the overall Interior Design effect...They can even be a rooms focal point, as is often the case with a Dining Room chandelier...Or, they can create a great contrasting accent of color or texture.
As you think about and work out your home interior lighting plan, take time to familiarize yourself with the many styles of fixtures and lamps available.
Part of your job is to compile a budget and lighting cost vary greatly from fixture to fixture and from supplier to supplier. Sometimes quality is reflected in the cost...and sometimes it's not.
Lighting specialty stores and lighting departments in home remodeling centers are usually staffed with very knowledgeable salespeople who can help you refine your choices.
These stores along with online lighting stores are great places to discover fixtures that will suit your needs at your individual budget.

Kathy LaMontag - Interior Designer


Tunapenda kuwafahamisha wadau wetu kwamba, sasa blog ya homez deco, tumeweka labels ambazo zitakurahisishia kuchagua nini unataka kuona, kwa wakati, bila kukwenda miezi ya nyuma....

Labels ziko 9. ambazo ni:

1. Home

2. Curtains

3. Metal Design

4. Interior

5. Exterior

6. Gardening

7. Colour

8. For Sale

9. Advice

Tunawashuru wote, na pia tunakaribisha ushauri na maoni juu ya hili......Asanteni



Hiki ni chombo cha umeme kinachofungwa juu ya jiko, na kazi yake ni kunyonya unyevu unyevu, moshi, etc, wakati unapika....

Tumekua tukijenga nyumba zetu nzuri, na majiko yetu mazuri, lakini baada ya muda mfupi kwa upande wa jikoni, unakuta ukuta unachafuka ule upande wa jiko lako lilipo ukutani mpaka kwenye dari, ama wakati unakaanga kama ni samaki, kuku etc... basi moshi unajaa kupita kiasi....

Suluhisho lipo la kuepukana na kuchakaa kwa jiko lako kwa moshi.

Hizi kitchen hood ndio suluhisho lako.... na hapa kwetu Tanzania zinapatikana.... Ila kwa huku Dar ziko hapa  Clock tower kama unatokea stesheni duka liko upande wako wa kushoto.... ukiingia pale basi we waulizie kitchen hood na watakuelezea aina walizonazo, maana pia zina aina zake...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tukutane jumapili pale Diamond Jubilee...katika kitchen party gala....

Napenda kuwakaribisha wadau wote wa Homez Deco pale diamond jubliee kwenye kitchen party gala......kuanzia saa nane mchana mpaka saa nne usiku. 

Mie ntakuwepo pia......karibuni wooteee

Wanawake Oyeeeee.....

Msaada wa ujasiriamali....Ndugu wadau nakaribisha ushauri, mawazo tuweze kumsaidia mdau mwenzetu....Maana mimi sina uzoefu kwa upande wa biashara ya nguo.......

Mambo Sylvia, Hongera kwa kazi nzuri na elimu unayotupatia. Mimi nimekuwa napita kwa blog yako kila siku,
nahitaji ushauri wako wa kijasiriamali...
Nataka nifanye biashara ya nguo za watoto na kina dada tu toka nje ya nchi..
Natafuta mtu mkweli na mwaminifu wa kunipa maelekezo na misaada ya jinsi ya kufanya nikifika huko kwa watu hasa China / Hongkong,
na je natakiwa kuwa na mtaji wa sh. ngapi? Maana bado mgeni kwenye biashara. Please help me my dia dada.

Picha za ukutani chumbani....

Picha za ukutani hupendezesha chumba na kuleta muonekano mzuri mno.....waweza weka picha 1 ama 2 ama 3 kulingana na ukubwa wa chumba chako... Haijalishi ni picha za aina gani, ni wewe upendavyo. Kinachohitajika ni ziwe kwenye level moja  kwa kila picha wakati wa kuziweka.... unahitajika kupima nafasi kabla haujaweka ukutani, na zisiwe juu sana ama chini sana....